XMEN BLOGGER: February 2017

Monday, February 27, 2017

Alt-F - How to convert a "standard" filesystem to RAID1 keeping all your data

From: Alt-F Wiki

Apply to DLink DNS-320/320L/321/323/325/327L with Alt-F firmware (free alternative firmware)

If you have a one disk "standard" filesystem and you which to convert it to RAID1, you can use one of the following procedures:

A - safest, no risk of data loss:
-Create a new degraded RAID1 with your new disk using Disk->Wizard (1)
-Copy all data from the old "standard" partition to the new RAID1 using Setup->Folders
-Verify that the data in the RAID1 is fine
-Change the old disk "standard" partition type to RAID using Disk->Partitioner (2)
-Add the old disk RAID partition to the new RAID as a new component using Disk->RAID

B - only works on disks smaller than 2TB, there is a data loss risk (3)
-Shrink your current "standard" filesystem using Disk->Filesystem
-Change the "standard" partition type to RAID using Disk->Partitioner (2)
-Unmount the filesystem using Disk->Filesystem
-Create a degraded RAID1 using the now RAID partition using Disk->RAID
-Enlarge the filesystem contained in the RAID using Disk->Filesystem
-Add a new disk and follow the How to fix a degraded RAID1 wiki

(1)-Make sure that the new disk in the only disk checked in the Disk Wizard upper section!
(2)-Make sure to only uncheck the "Keep" check-box for the "standard" partition, and then only change its type from "linux" to "RAID" -- don't change anything else!
(3) Bigger than 2.2TB disks requires a RAID metadata version 1.x. If using metadata version 1.1 or 1.2 your data will be lost. Metadata version 0.9 and 1.0 are safe.

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Celestron - Multi Finder Scope Mount

To mount something like this...

We need the following parts:

Multi-Slot Finder Scope Bracket $54.90
Smartphone Finder Scope $15.99
16x55mm Host/Housing/Case w Glass Lens $5.63
35mm Laser Pointer Bracket for Astronomical Telescope $19.99

Together $96.03 + shipping

-A Multiple Finder Scope mount:
Multi-Slot Finder Scope Bracket $54.90
Finder Scope mounting bracket $59.99

-A hold/housing for our laser module:
In my case, I have a 5.6mm TO-18 (Φ12mm) green laser (50mW) module, then I need something like this:
16x55mm Host/Housing/Case w Glass Lens $5.63

Another option is a laser holder pen for Φ12mm:
Adjustable Focusable Housing for Laser Pointer Torch $11.36
DIY Laser Pointer Pen Housing/Casing/Host for Φ12mm Laser Diode Module $5.80
Survival Laser C6 Host Assembly SL-SLC6LHA $19.99
More options:
Metal Housing/Case/Host 18x45mm $1.90
16x50mm Host/Housing/Shell with Lens $4.69
16x55mm Focusable Housing w/ Glass Lens $8.25
Unanodized Aluminum Heat Sink for Φ12mm Laser Diode Module $6.99

-A Finder Rings Adapter:
35mm Laser Pointer Bracket for Astronomical Telescope $19.99
Adjustable Pointer Finderscope Laser Bracket $27.71
Orion 52062 SkyLine Deluxe Laser Pointer-to-Telescope Bracket $36.83
NOTE: ORION 52062 can accommodate laser pointer devices with tubes ranging from 10.3mm (0.40") to 14.5mm (0.57") in diameter, and at least 8cm (3.1") long.

Other option:
Adjustable Mount for Φ12mm Laser Module £12.95
Two-axis Adjustable Laser Module $11.40

-Smartphone Finder Scope:
Smartphone Finder Scope $15.99

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Zener Diode as a Voltage regulator for GPS

- Zener:

- Regulador de voltaje:
You may try connect the 6V output to series with zener 5.6V and resistane (resistance power calculate) connect your output(between zener diode) to feedback of ADC Ref terminal. (ADC won't need exact 5V , you need some changes in programming) The resistor will dissipate excess voltage.

Connection diagram like this:

(6V positive) ---> resistance <---> zener5.6V ---> (6v negative) | | output + - Zener diode direction is most important.

How to Build a Voltage Regulator with a Zener diode
1KOhm (brown, black & red color) resistor and 1N4733 Zener

-Resistencias normalizadas (comerciales):

- Notas:

- GPS:

GPS Module with Antenna

Uart TTL Output, Baud Rate 4800, 1HZ
1PPS Output: When GPS module get location, it will output 1PPS pulse every 1 second.

Note: This is GPS Module with Antenna, chip is Telit JF2 GPS, low power, SiRF IV.

Size: 28mm*28mm*8.5mm

About Pin:
1) VCC, 2.8V to 5.5V
2) GND
3) RX, no use
4) TX, Uart output, baud rate is 4800
5) 1PPS, when GPS module get location, it will output 1PPS signal every 1 second. The signal is active hign 100ms pulse