XMEN BLOGGER: Cisco - How to Erase configuration

Monday, December 19, 2016

Cisco - How to Erase configuration

For safety, lets start by wiping the routers current config. Enter these commands:

erase nvram:
Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files! Continue? [confirm]

Press "y" to erase the routers config. Then enter the below commands. Note that the router may not ask you to save the current config. If it does, make sure you say no - we are trying to wipe the config.

System configuration has been modified. Save? [yes/no]: no
Proceed with reload? [confirm]

Press "y" to let the router reboot. For those people who have some familiarity with Cisco routers the "erase nvram:" command has supersede the "write erase" and "erase startup-config" commands (these commands all do the same thing).

When the router has completed booting this time it will ask if you want to run the setup wizard, say "no". It should eventually tell you to press "return to get started". Tap return a few times. Now we need to go into config mode:

config terminal

Now copy the config you want to load onto the router into the clipboard (hint: CTRL-A then CTRL-C), and paste into HyperTerminal (Edit/Paste To Host). Once it has pasted in, you need to save the config.

copy running-config startup-config

With any luck, your now done!

config t
int fa0/1
ip address
description *** Assigning an ip address to a physical fast ethernet port on the switch***

int vlan 1
ip address
description *** Assigning an ip address to the virtual (vlan) interface on the switch ***

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